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New Window Frames {audreygracephoto} Atlanta Wedding Photographer

A couple of years ago (before Pinterest was big) I wanted to make a creative Christmas gift for my mom. I ran across some vintage windows and I had a lightbulb moment. Why not make a cool photo display with one?!
SO, I did. I secretly took some pictures of my family to put in the window and voila! Window frame. And she loved it!

Since then, my mom is constantly getting compliments on her window frame. Everybody loves it!

I just recently came across MORE old windows and decided to offer this to anyone interested.

If you would like your own window frame, let me know soon! If you book a family session with me, I will give you a discount price on a window frame. Complete with your new pictures printed and placed in your window.

I will also be offering this to all previous clients. Put those pretty photos on display in a creative way!

I have a limited amount of windows, so order yours soon!

– Audrey Grace {404.542.7422}

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