Welcome, welcome! I am so stoked to start this video series featuring, behind-the-scenes tips for wedding planning. If you are recently engaged and have a million things on your mind – you have come to the right place! As a wedding photographer, I get to see so much of what goes on at a wedding and I can’t help but share some insightful info with you. There is just too much goodness to share and I must share this with you!! We are starting things off with a bang, so let’s do this!
If you’d rather watch the video re-cap, here ya go! Or feel free to read along. 😉
As I was thinking over some topics for this series….which, believe me – I have a whole list of things to share with you! I began to see a common thread with each of the topics. Now, to be completely honest with you – I’ve seen a lot of weddings and sure, I could definitely share some of the ridiculous things that you could toss out (like programs or birdseed or crazy bridesmaid dresses). But the one common thing I see at weddings is the sneakiest little thing. You can’t see it with you eyes, but you can feel it in the air.
What is that one thing??
Let me tell you with one word.
The most unwanted/unnecessary/uninvited guest at your wedding is stress.
There, I said it. Even with planning my own wedding, there were moments that I thought “this is so much to think about all at once!”.
Marriage License
Guest List
….just to name a few. Did you get slightly overwhelmed just reading that list?
I’m telling you, almost immediately after you get engaged, stress has a way of sneaking into your plans and trying to ruin your experience. We all know that stress effects your health, but I believe that it also effects your perception of reality. Ya’ll…..stress is trying to mess up your wedding and you don’t even realize it!! As a wedding photographer, I see brides overcome with stress more times than not. And I absolutely hate that.
This can be cause by a million different factors!! I think that is the key problem with stress. If there was a way to eliminate it completely, that would be a miracle. (it’s no wonder that elopements are becoming so popular!) Weddings have become this HUGE production and status quo. I’ve truly felt that the overall message of this series is going to focus on how to make your wedding day less stressful and focus on what matters most! Your marriage.
So we are starting with the basics. No more stress! Weddings are a BLAST and there’s no reason that you shouldn’t enjoy each moment. Now, I can’t just leave you with “don’t stress, it will all work out”. Because if you are a female and anyone has ever told you that during a stressful situation – it does not help!
Instead, here are a few quick tips to help get your no-stress party started (and of course more advice coming ahead in this series)
Here are 3 things you can immediately implement to eliminate stress:
1 – A good nights sleep. Make it a priority to go to bed earlier! Set a reminder on your calendar if you need to. Do it!
2- Brain dump. Ok, probably not the prettiest description, but go find a piece of paper and write down everything you are thinking of right now. Write it down. Doesn’t have to be eligible or even make sense. Just put it on paper and get it out of your head.
3 – Celebrate! I think as Americans we truly don’t celebrate our personal achievements as we are constantly striving to achieve more. Did you just check something off your to-do list? Book a vendor? Go celebrate! It doesn’t even have to be anything crazy. Award yourself with a coffee. Go eat lunch with your fiance. Or even as simple as dancing to your favorite song in your living room. You get the idea! 😉
Thanks for joining me on this video series – I can’t wait to share more tips in the following weeks!
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