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New Website & Brand Refresh Launch

It is officially launch day! Yay! I don’t know about you guys, but during this whole quarantine situation, I’ve found myself with some extra time on my hands. And I’m not sure if Brene Brown would back me up on this, but it has led to a lot of self evaluating and I really do think that part of me decided to re-do my ENTIRE website as a way to keep me busy and sane during this time. Either way, it has given me the chance to truly flip things on it’s head and create something new!

Including my new logo! Once upon a time (almost 10 years ago) I knew that I wanted to be a wedding photographer. And when I say I knew – I had just recently photographed one of my first weddings with a friend (and it was truly a hot mess…but I loved it). From the get-go, something about weddings stuck out to me and got my adrenaline pumping! While I was in college studying photography, I realized that I probably needed a logo if I was going to really do this whole wedding photography thing —Insert my old logo. I had a fellow photography student (thanks Brittany!) design it for me and it has been what i’ve used for several years! Ya’ll, I most definitely got my money’s worth out of that logo.

What I realized recently (with all of the quarantine overthinking) was that my photography & brand has grown-up over the years. My old logo was not correctly reflecting my quality of work. While it is bittersweet to let go of that old memory, it is so refreshing to feel confident in my new look! So here it is! My new logo!

I’ve also switched website platforms (that could be an entirely different blog post) and it has felt so empowering to work on this new website over the past few weeks. I know that in everything there is a season, and we will get back into the routine of things – including wedding photography. And when that officially arrives, I am SO ready!

Thank you all for encouraging me and checking out my latest project and brand refresh. I am so proud to show this off to you guys and I can’t wait to see how this will carry on with my business for another 10+ years.

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