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Only 4 more days until Valentines day! One of the most commercially love/hated holidays around! I know there are a lot of advertisements about giving the perfect gift this Valentines day. If you listen to the radio, you thought you had a friend in the diamond business and but any other gift you choose just seems mediocre if it’s not from them. Or to show love you need to give the gift of………whatever it is. How can we measure up to these?? One of my favorite things i’ve seen so far advertised was a heart shaped pizza from PapaJohns. Sign me up!
But seriously, that is not my favorite Valentines Day gift! Even though, I do love pizza. It’s actually something super easy and you can whip it together in about 3 min. Valentines Day cards! When we were dating, we started giving each other cards for random holidays (Valentines Day included). And I absolutely love it; cheesiness and all!
Now it might seem like a super overrated gift, but I really love going through old cards and reading them. Our favorite ones are usually from Trader Joe’s or handmade ones (those are the best). These sweet notes are so fun to read over and remember memories throughout the years.
We just recently have been reading the book, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. And if you haven’t heard/read this, I highly recommend it! It can easily solve your Valentines day gift giving dilemma!
In the book, there are 5 main love languages that the majority of people “speak” as their way of showing and receiving love. It’s quite astonishing once you learn these, because you will notice how these apply to everyone you know; even your parents & siblings! This doesn’t just apply to couples; this is an amazing tool that everyone can use. Once you discover your loved ones primary love language, it becomes so easy to figure out how to show love to them. You might even think, “no wonder they do that all the time!”.
Words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, physical touch and quality time are the 5 love languages.
So it was no surprise to me that one of my main love languages was – words of affirmation. No wonder I love Valentines day cards so much! You can take a quick quiz here to help discover your primary love language. It is super insightful!
If you are tired of getting chocolate & flowers for Valentines day, maybe your love language isn’t gifts? Taking the time to learn each others love languages can make loving each other so much easier! No more dilemmas!
If you have a favorite or funny Valentines day gift, share below in the comments! I also would love to hear from anyone that has tried this pizza (was it good?!) Let me know below! – Audrey
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