Wade and Rochelle had their wedding ceremony at B’nai Torah in Sandy Springs and it was amazing! I am so happy for these two. Wade and I went to highschool together, so it is so surreal to be apart of capturing his wedding day. Rochelle is the perfect lady for him; she is so sweet and always looking out for others. Together, Wade and Rochelle are the perfect duo! I was so overjoyed to photograph their love. This was the first full Jewish wedding I’ve photographed, and I loved it! The ceremonies were very symbolic and rich in culture. Amazing!
Before the wedding ceremony, the guys gather for a separate tisch ceremony for the groom. They come together around a table (tisch) where the groom gives his groomsmen lessons in Jewish culture. But, their job is to interrupt him and give him trouble throughout his lessons as a way of helping him overcome conflict and grow in wisdom. These guys were hilarious at doing so!
Then we headed over to the veiling ceremony, also called Yiddish. This is when the groom comes to see his bride for the first time. As tradition in Jewish weddings, Wade and Rochelle did not see each other for 2 weeks before their wedding! That had to be so tough! This ceremony signifies the inner beauty of the bride, showing that outer beauty cannot compare the to inner qualities and character of a person. Talk about a beautiful moment! Wade was so overjoyed to see Rochelle!
They then sign the marriage contract (Ketubah) in front of their family & friends as witnesses. Rochelle will later give the Ketubah to Wade during their wedding ceremony as a sign of her acceptance of his marriage proposal.
Now on to the ceremony! This is when Rochelle gives Wade their Ketubah and the glass is broken. Officially man and wife!
My favorite part of Wade and Rochelle’s wedding, was their couple portraits after the ceremony. We snuck outside and found this amazing sunlight. It lit them up perfectly and showcased their new marriage happiness!
You could instantly tell that Wade & Rochelle were surrounded by an amazing group of family and friends. Everyone was so joyful and excited to be there!
No Jewish wedding would be complete without the chair dance! So hilarious and scary to watch!
Congratulations Wade & Rochelle! You both are such amazing people, and to see you both get married was such a beautiful thing to witness. I hope your new adventure of marriage brings you more and more love for each other and joy overflowing! I am so beyond happy to be there to capture your day. Cheers to your new adventures as man and wife!
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